Friday, December 29, 2006

Awwww that's so sad

What a heartbreaking story. Really though the only sad part of this story is that Saddam did not receive the same treatment that he gave to the hundreds of thousands of people that he brutally murdered. It would have been nice if he had been brutally raped, tortured and tormented so that he knew what it was like for all of his victims. How well dead is dead!

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I believe in Santa Claus - Still

I am a believer. While I am not ignorant to the realities of who Santa Claus really is I do still believe in what Santa Claus represents. Santa is about giving - not giving to everyone but giving to those people that are deserving. Only people that have been nice are rewarded, those that are naughty receive nothing. Santa is about love - I am blessed with a large family that makes it a priority to be together for the Christmas season. No other time in the year is the feeling of love so abundant. Santa is about peace - Santa is no respecter of race, religion or gender. He treats all people equally. I can not think of any other celebration in all the world that promotes the great spirit of giving, love, and peace than does Christmas.

Perhaps the real reason that I still believe in Santa Claus is because he represents some of the same qualities of Jesus Christ. Christ taught us to give to those in need, to love our neighbor, and to treat all people with respect, no matter their circumstances (even harlots). I crave the spirit of Christmas each year because of the way my thoughts are consistently turned to my Savior and the life he lived for each of us. Jesus Christ gave each of us the ultimate gift when we gave his life for us. It is because of these emotions and thoughts that flood my mind each Christmas season that I choose to believe - still.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Just the facts Ma'am

Something has been on my mind lately. What is wrong with making fact based decisions? Recently the Harper government has been highly criticized over a couple of issues that just does not make any sense.

The Harper government decided to tax income trusts. The main complaint I have read and heard is that they "lied" so they "can't be trusted". The way I see it they made a fact based decision. Can we truly fault them for making a decision based on all the facts. Was the decision in the best interest of Canadians, I would say yes. The reality is they did in fact go back on their word. Does this make them liars or responsible leaders willing to change their point of view as facts change. I choose the latter.

Second, there is criticism over their environmental package (or apparent lack thereof). The reality is there is NO consensus on the impact humans have on the environment, and much less consensus on what needs to be done to fix this supposed problem. The former government threw together an environmental plan (Kyoto) that could not possibly solve the problem since we don't know exactly what the problem is.

I would prefer we slow down, take a deep breathe and gather the facts first before we make rash decisions. I much prefer the conservatives environment plan that does not rush to irrational conclusions based on media hype and mis-information.

Good going Stephen Harper, please continue to make fact based decisions rather than public opinion based decisions.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"Liberal leader Dion also French citizen"

Reuters provided this interesting read.
To see the article click here.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that the mainstream Canadian media is not covering this issue. They must ensure they protect the Liberals interests at all times, right. Could you imagine the outrage if, say, Stephen Harper had his US citizenship. There is not a snow balls chance in hell that he would ever have been considered as Prime Minister. When it is a Liberal with French citizenship it is a non-issue. The bias and double standard in this country is appalling. Where is the Canadian media on this one?

Monday, November 20, 2006

"Philanthropy Expert: Conservatives Are More Generous"

It appears that the bleeding heart liberals could take a lesson on giving and supporting mankind from the religious right. Arthur Brooks has written a book based on based on extensive data analysis that highlights the fact that Conservatives are more generous with giving than Liberals.

To see the article click here to read on.

I will admit, this does not come as any surprise to me. The left are big on talk but tend to be short on action. They say all the right things like that we need to provide welfare for our fellow man and that we need to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. But in true Liberal form they are all talk.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

An interesting read

Is there a bias in Canada's media? Only a complete fool would not be able to see that there clearly is. Ezra Levant wrote an interesting article in the Western Standard that highlights some major biases.
  • Click here
  • Friday, November 17, 2006

    Stand for something or you will fall for anything

    Why is it that the Conservatives are the ones standing up for human rights? Shouldn't the bleeding heart lefties be applauding the Conservative government's position on China? Stephen Harper has taken a stand, much different than most of the world's, against the horrific record of China's human rights (btw China has more court ordered executions than the rest of the world combined) and is being lambasted for it. I applaud Stephen Harper for going against the love fest for China and saying that Canada prefers to deal with countries that have similar values. Canada is taking a leadership role in this regard and should be applauded not castigated.

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    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    The few, the stupid, the marines?

    They may be stupid but you gotta love their sense of humor.

    One thing I wonder about though, isn't John Kerry a former soldier? So if soldiers are dumb and uneducated what does that make John Kerry? Oh wait, never mind. I just figured it out.

    John who?

    Amazing that this guy is still allowed to speak.

    Saturday, October 21, 2006