Monday, February 26, 2007

"An Inconvenient Truth wins Oscar" - What a complete shock? - *gasps*

So Al Gore's fauxcumentary won an Oscar. This should come as no surprise to anyone. Michael Moore proved to the world that documentaries do not have to be based on facts to win the hearts and votes of the "Academy" (see Bowling for Columbine in 2002). IMHO, to be considered a "documentary" a film should be required to be factual but, hey, that's just me and what do I know.
Of course An Inconvenient Truth was going to win; all of Hollywood is behind this crap, it had to win, true or not.

I mean really when you look at the competition the award was stacked in Al's favor. Two of the other nominees were focused on religion - boooring, and the other two nominees were about the Iraq war - sooooo last year. Today there is one topic that sells, and sells big, and that is global warming. This is the issue that the Left has chosen as their cause du jour - move over poor starving orphans in Africa you are last years news.

P.S. Did you see Al Gore with Leo DiCaprio? You couldn't wipe that stupid smile off his face. He thought he was such a big celebrity, I am surprised Tipper didn't throw her bra and panties on stage for her rock star Hubby.


Anonymous said...

I thought it was wonderful how all of the stars told their publicists to cancel the limos after the awards show, because they were going to take public transit home. Same with Gore.

I also teared up when Gord made the announcement that the Award show has gone "green." Finally. I've waited all of these years to watch candles on the Oscars, rather than the horrible environmentally-dangerous lighting. I suppose that the movie industry will also use candles from now on, instead of those big lights they use to make the actors/actresses look sooooo much better than in real life.

I just thought of an idea. What if the stars bought carbon credits from me so that they could continue to be a horrible environmental disastrous consumer, while I am still developing as one.

Food for thought.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the laugh riot. Hilarious post, to say the least.

Unfortunately the hilarity that you provided was at your expense as you sound like a bloviating fool who refuses to join reality. Global warming is accepted fact in the scientific community as a whole and our part in it is accepted by all but a few who are paid to spread crap by the oil industry. Of course you knew this as a climatologist yourself...wait...that's what you are right? Otherwise you'd just be repeating tired propaganda from those same propagandists who ignore science entirely...except you don't even go that far in this moronic post.

Hope you join us in reality soon, Brent. The vast majority of this nation is laughing at you and your ilk wondering why you people are acting as if evolution reversed itself and your brains turned to ape brains.

Cheers! :)

Biebs said...


why so much hostility towards me? May I recommend you get a hobby as a way to release your pent up hostility.

First, can you please provide me with some examples (preferably names) of those "who are paid to spread crap by the oil industry". I have never heard of anyone that is actually being paid by the oil industry. I find this conspiracy theory to be rather far fetched as it is not based on facts. But then again you and your ilk are not big on facts are you? You much prefer conjecture and theory to facts don't you.

Second, "Global warming is accepted fact in the scientific community as a whole and our part in it is accepted by all but a few" Please wake up to reality. Yes the climate changes, it always has. The earth has gone through all sorts of climate changes in its history. But if you truly have an open mind to listen to what scientists are saying there is anything but a consensus on the issue. More and more scientists are waking up to the realization that humans have no impact on the climate.

Third, no I am not a climatologist. I have never claimed to be one. I am however highly read on the topic and highly informed, from both sides of the issue. I started out as a believer that humans were the cause of the earths changing climate. The more that I have read on the topic the more I came to realize that it is not possible and that the scientific community has no idea how to forecast and model the changing climate. There is way more compelling data against human induced climate change than there is for it. Please read up on the topic and inform yourself. You sound like some one who has boughten into the left-wing propaganda. Don't sell yourself short. Get informed and educate yourself!