Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Lawmakers Propose Ultrasounds Before Abortions"

Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester and York Counties), said, "I'm just trying to save lives and protect people from regret and inform women with the most accurate non-judgemental information that can be provided."

I think this is a great idea. Too many girls have an abortion because they are naive to the realities of the consequences of that decision. Abortion is final and therefore should require full and complete disclosure of all of the facts before it is allowed.

Of course, the left will not like this idea. They want to keep the emotions that go along with being a mother out of the discussion because they know that once the mother sees the child they will be more likely to keep it.

Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life what is wrong with making decisions based on all prudent facts. What is wrong with providing mothers with all of the facts and details of their decision and the ramifications? If abortion is sound policy then pro-choicers should have nothing to worry about. They should support this proposal to ensure that when abortions do occur they are just and warranted.

What is wrong with fact based decisions?


Anonymous said...

Why are they getting knocked up in the first place?

Suzanne said...

Good question, Anon.

I saw feminist reaction to this. They were absolutely up the wall. Probably because they know once a girl sees an ultrasound, at least half the time she decides against abortion.

David Webb said...

Hopefully the dissemination of "non-judgemental information" will include the various methods of contraception. This will ensure that these girls can avoid an abortion in the first place. Preventing pregnancy will be the best way to keep the left mollified.

Hey Suzanne, can you let me know where to find the outraged-feminist reactions?