Saturday, November 22, 2008

Airlines as free service providers

The Supreme Court of Canada has decided that airlines should now be in the business of providing free care giving services to passengers.

"The Supreme Court of Canada has put its stamp of approval on a regulatory order forcing major airlines to provide an extra seat for free to disabled or obese passengers who need the room." (Click here for article.)

If you have specific circumstances that require special care who should pay for this? Why should the airline be responsible to pay for your special needs? If you can't afford the extra airfare then take the train.

What's next, forcing restaurants to provide unlimited meals to customers because they are obese?


Anonymous said...

This is just crazy. Whether we're talking about airline seats or anything else, people should pay for what they consume. For the courts to say the airlines are discriminating by charging double for someone using 2 seats is just plain crap. They're not discriminating against anyone, they're just trying to charge people for what they use.

If this stupid ruling stands, at the very least, the airlines should be allowed to force the free use of the second seat on a stand-by basis. Meaning, if there are enough paying customers to fill up the plane by the time the plane is ready to leave, you're out of luck. If there are still empty seats after all possible ticket sales are made, then and only then should the extra seat be granted for free. But, even at that, I still don't like it.

The rest of us passengers will end up paying for it. Airlines are already restricting baggage weights more than they did a decade ago, due to the average passenger being about 10 lbs heavier than a decade ago. On an airplane, weight costs money, and extra costs will be passed on to all customers, not just the heavy ones. Perhaps it would be fairer if our ticket price was somehow connected to the total weight of the passenger and their baggage combined.

Anonymous said...

I've got a sore leg, er, I mean I will have a sore leg if it will get me a better seat or an empty seat beside me.

Anonymous said...

I say give them the seat but I get to amuse myself by sitting near them and openly and loudly ridiculing them throughout the entire flight.

You can thank the fat sack of sh&t female lawyer in Calgary for this one.

"I'm not a lazy fat lard-ass! I'm disabled!".