Thanks to Jen for pointing out for me that Obama has quickly changed his website. I previously linked to his "agenda" in a few of my posts but the "agenda" has been removed. In place of the previously detailed outline the "agenda" page now reads:
"The Obama Administration has a comprehensive and detailed agenda to carry out its policies. The principal priorities of the Obama Administration include: a plan to revive the economy, to fix our health care, education, and social security systems, to define a clear path to energy independence, to end the war in Iraq responsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan, and to work with our allies to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, among many other domestic and foreign policy objectives." (click here for link, at least until they move it again)
I guess Obama is hedging his bets and does not want to offer transparency and honesty.
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Anon you beat me to it. I have been leaving this on a lot of blogs. For people who are interested here is the headline
Hamas says it held meeting with Obama advisers
And have you noticed P.O,CNN and other socialist MSM are not saying a word far less investigate into it. I guess that the MSM have to ask their god whom they created permission before they speak; why do you think they keep harping on Palin? is because the man they created has a huge hidden past which will come back to haunt them,the MSM. Which means, the only way to keep themselves from public blacklash is to continue with their Palin attacks.
Obama may be an eloquent speaker but seems to choke when reporters ask him serious question- insulting Mrs. Reagan is the proof. who's next.
(remember, his MSM did the talking for him)while he was campaigning.
HAMAS know how to handle OBAMA.
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