Saturday, November 08, 2008

Barack "the job killer" Obama

In an effort to reduce jobs for Americans Obama proposes to have the IRS complete your tax filing for you and have you simply verify and sign the forms. I guess if you are a blue collar assembly worker your job is important to get back from China but if you are a white collar tax accountant your job should be outsourced to the IRS.


philosoraptor said...

employers to give taxpayers the option of pre-filled tax forms to verify

He's giving them the option to do it, so the tax filing business will do fine.

Accountants do more than file taxes, just so you know.

Biebs said...

The point is that the IRS is taking over jobs of tax accountants.

I never said that accountants only file taxes. Try not to read your own bias into my words and only analyze what I actually write.

philosoraptor said...

tax accountant your job should be outsourced

It sure sounds like you were saying that their WHOLE JOB, and not just a PART OF THEIR JOB, would be outsourced.

I accept your correction, even though it was applied after the fact.