Thursday, November 06, 2008

"The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace"

President Bush has been given no respect despite being one of the greatest presidents of all time. Jeffery Shapiro has a good article in the WSJ regarding the treatment of Bush. Click here for link.


Anonymous said...

Oh boo-f*cking-hoo. Bush doesn't care. He's made him and his friends billions and done nothing but damage to the country.

If he gets impeached, so much the better.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon. Care to put your name where your anonymity is you arse.
Bush kept NA safe for the last 8 years. What did Clinton do. What did Carter do?? You are just another leftard monkey no nothing so how about going and reading a book or something before you mouth off your leftist crap.

Red Tory said...

LOL. Delusional much?

Anonymous said...

oh look, red tory's anti american rethoric, come on rt, tell us about your ideas, how the big bad america u have been spewing for the past eight years, now all of a sudden is the good america, you know what you are, your that nugget, who keeps on comming back after you flush the toilet. Paste words, and when you cant, say stupid things. Your such a joke.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that was quite the scene with Bush talking to all his staff to urge them to help with the transition. At the end Bush started tearing up.

I am glad he got rid of Saddam Hussein, but at what a price.

He reminds me of Nixon more and more.

Anonymous said...

Bush shows his true class in his transition speech. I had forgotten how Clinton's crew transitioned. Peple like Begala and Emmanuel and Podesta looting and trashing the White House and Air Force 1.

Bush kept us safe. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The media has dumbed-down themselves over the years and rarely takes the time to research the FACTS.

The Iraq war is the perfect example , the MSM focused on the 9/11 ties when all along the blame lied right on the lap of the U.N. that allowed Saddam to laugh at 16 resolutions to disarm and Prove-it.
Hans Blix never gave a definitive answer for the missing missiles or war-heads , Blix kept saying that he couldn't deny the Weapons weren't disarmed, nor could he confirm they did exist .

Basically , a good driver never knows the accidents they avoided
because they don't happen to show how you made a mistake.
And this is why we will never know exactly how many lives were saved by saddam being de-throned , we do know that the 5000 civilians a month that he slaughtered do not happen anymore , and his bonus checks to Muslim suicide bombers in Palestine have stopped.

Check out the Youtube video of Michael Moore when Bill O'Reilly
trapped Moore in his own web , Bill brought up the topic about Hitler's rise to power and Moore quickly said that HE wouldn't have let Hitler get to power and would have stopped him even before the 1936 Olympics.

When Moore realized that he was defending Bush for ending saddam's reign , Moore then put a spin on his comment to claim that saddam wasn't a threat like Hitler was.

Lets also look at the Election numbers because when white/christians voted for Bush they were redneck idiots supporting a moron from Texas , but we see that when the Black/Christians voted for Obama mainly because of his color....they became well-inform progressive Liberal thinkers Electing a president based on Tolerance and diversity.

So when the Racists are non-Whites....they are Informed and tolerant to accept diversity , and when the White/Christians voted for Obama they were still intolerant ignorant bigots who only wanted to get rid of the Bush Politics.

Truely amazing, if Obama wins ....whites are racists no matter what, if he loses ....whites are racists and wouldn't vote for a non-White president.

The "Rainbow" yahoos that demand Tolerance are the most Intolerant bigots and thugs that want Affirmation ....not equality.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Bush had a great first term and even a good part of the second term was solid. Overall he has been a great president and he made it to two terms, something Obammie I doubt will see. Clintoon rode on the coatails of Reagan's good works and as such there hasn't been a competent Democrat in office in a hound's age. WE just need to kick McCain and the other red conservatives out and rebuild the 'c' in the Republican party. (real conservative)

Anonymous said...

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